This is the first concept art of me! Also known as... the first drawing of me, like, ever!
Creator: EmilyEquinox / "EQ" [creator of Emily]
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This is the polished art you see of me in the Homepage! Kaity is quite proud of it, as she should be!
Creator: EmilyEquinoz / "EQ" [creator of Emily]
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This is some lovely fanart made by a friend! See the full image HERE! I like how the background is a real-life image! It makes me feel like I'm with you guys. I like the grain-y feel of it, too!
Creator: Wani
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This is some amazing fanart made by a friend of mine! I love the realism for my eye! And the dress is super pretty!
Creator: Seb
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This is some super cool fanart made by a new friend! I love how it looks exactly how weirdcore / dreamcore characters are made! I'm surprised they found a dress that's so accurate, too! I adore this so much!
Creator: KONG
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This is some lovely fanart made by someone in the Discord Server! I love the yellow apron they gave me! It's so cute!
Creator: Qwueenofnoobs
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This is some cute fanart made by another person on the Discord Server! I adore the daisy, it's so sweet of them to give me one. They also sent me a lovely email. :-)
Creator: Tired-Timber
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I love the artstyle for this one! It's very cool! This person has been so sweet, and I'm happy to share their fanart here.